Treasure on the Trail

It’s happening. OK, I’m not quite done with Daphne’s RUSTY’s Memories, but I’m in the final wrap-up, editing, publish phase of that book. It should happen right before Christmas or maybe just after. However, I already have a lot of notes, and half the outline is finished for the next Bolt/Q story. This one is going to be twisted. I haven’t completed the outline for this story, but I’m halfway through it, and it’s looking really good. Like, I’m seriously excited bout this one. To top that off, I’m already working on Murder at Outlaw Cabin, the notes and ideas phase of this story. Oh, it’s going to be crazy. Yeah, you’re not going to see it coming.

So, the next story is Treasure on the Trail. Then there’s Murder at Outlaw Cabin (did I mention that this cabin exists, and it’s on a trial that’s only a few miles from my house?). Next, there’s Ghost Falls Killings. I haven’t thought about this story yet, but it’ll be a doozie. If you’ve read the first book (I know you have), Q stops off at the rest area. Ghost Falls is down in the canyon a couple of miles from that rest area. My wife and I have hiked to Ghost Falls many times. The fifth story will be Deadly Design. That’s a tentative story at the moment, but I have an idea for a smart home that kills its owner. Well, everyone thinks the house killed him… but Bolt has picked up some signals that reveal something Q can use to solve that murder (as well as a few others that will occur in that book).

What happens after that?

Yup, there’s always another book, especially if people are interested in the series. By the time I write the third or fourth book, I guarantee I’ll have book six and a few more figured out. At least a synopsis and a title. I might even noodle on it during Christmas vacation. If I do that, I’ll come up with five more book ideas that will round out the set to 10.

I’ll post here when I get more info…

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